Taking the Drizzle challenge

I recently rewrote Rado from scratch. Why?

The best part of @DrizzleOrm is that all other ORMs will have to get better now 
        Win win for developers
The challenge

In 2022 I started work on Rado, a Typescript query builder. The project was based on my contributions to tink_sql and an earlier attempt at writing an ORM for Haxe. The existing solutions deviated too much from SQL or had overly complex codebases.

During the same time Drizzle ORM gained a lot of popularity. Interestingly its api settled on something that's extremely similar to Rado. Earlier this year I needed to support PostgreSQL and instead of adding the support in Rado I decided to attempt porting the project to Drizzle. Drizzle has support for PostgreSQL and MySQL, which I never bothered implementing for Rado. SQLite had been enough for my use cases.

The differences

The ORM part

Drizzle has a separate ORM style interface to query the database with methods such as findMany in which you can include other rows to be retrieved based on a relationship. This forces you to learn a separate api in which to do things like included or excluding fields works different from the query builder. Rado you can instead build the same query within the query builder itself, declaring the relationship on the fly. The actual query that is executed is the same.

Retrieving results

In Rado 0.x queries are immutable. They do not require the database instance to be created and can then be retrieved by calling the database instance with the query. There were lots of shorthand ways to construct them. But all in all they are very similarly constructed.

  // Rado 0.x
  const query = select(User.name).from(User).where(is(User.id, 1))
  const results = await db(query)

  // Drizzle
  const results = await db.select({name: User.name}).from(User).where(
    eq(User.id, 1)


Rado built up an AST of the queries while chaining the methods. A simple select would look like the following:

  "type": "select",
  "from": {...table}
  "where": {
    "type": "binop",
    "a": {...field},
    "op": "=",
    "b": {...value}

The thought behind this was the AST could be serialized, validated and manipulated. This for example allows you to build a query client-side and send the AST over to the backend for validation and execution. It however also made changes quite involved and I never actually used it in this manner.


SQLite does not have a boolean type. But it does handle booleans correctly in its JSON methods. For this reason I decided to select results as a JSON object to support boolean values. In hindsight this disabled support for selecting binary columns and had serious performance implications. Drizzle has a much more elegant solution with mapFromDriverValue which allows you to define how the a column is parsed once queried.


Rado packaged one auto-migration method which makes sure your database schema and indexes are up to date.

  await db.migrateSchema(Table1, Table2, ...)

Drizzle provides a separate package for migrations which writes .sql files to disk that can later be executed. It requires a database instance to be configured.

Drizzle shortcomings

Warning: this section might become stale fast.
These may have been fixed after publishing this note.

Names, names, names

Drizzle requires you to define a column name even if it is the same as the property you use to declare it. Minor inconvenience.

  const User = table('user', {
    id: integer('id') 
    // Why not infer the name id from the property if omitted?
    // id: integer()

Selecting fields

Rado supports selecting fields directly which I used suprisingly often. In Drizzle this is not possible. For example: select(User.id)

Unsupported SQL features

Drizzle does not support generated columns and Postgres identity columns.


The Typescript types with which Drizzle is built are quite convoluted. Following the examples from their documentation the types require a whole lot of "any" parameters to be filled in order to be useful. There is a slew of type information carried by every class in the Drizzle codebase, most of which is not at all used later on.

Spaghetti types
Welcome to the rabbit hole

Universal queries

Drizzle does not support writing a query that can be executed on any database. The choice of database must be made at build time. It's not (easily) possible to write a query and then at runtime select whether to execute it on a PostgreSQL, SQLite or MySQL database.


Drizzle developed a separate package to manage migrations. It writes migrations to .sql files on your filesytem which can be loaded and executed later on.

The package itself is closed source and very heavy (packagephobia, if you're lucky to not run into a 500 error, reports 27.6MB install size). Not something you can mark as a dependency if you're shipping libraries.

The migrations being stored on the file-system and read by Node.js apis means it is not useful for SQLite or PostgreSQL in the browser or the Deno runtime.

Rewriting Rado

The above shortcomings made me decide to attempt a rewrite of Rado with the following goals in mind:

Rado 1.0.0

The result of the rewrite is published as Rado 1.0.0. While it is not a 100% drop in replacement for Drizzle it gets very close. Let's have a look at how the goals were met.

Simple and transparent Typescript typing

Rado types have at most three generic type parameters and use the least amount of conditional types possible. As of this writing a total of 23, where Drizzle has 247 in its codebase. This keeps type-checking fast and the mental overhead minimal. It still achieves the same type-safety.

Align the query building syntax with Drizzle

Rado supports the same methods as Drizzle for building queries. The SQL specific imports are replaced by:

  import {sql, eq, and, or, ...} from 'rado'            // 'drizzle-orm'
  import {pgTable, bigint, ...} from 'rado/postgres'    // 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'
  import {sqliteTable, integer, ...} from 'rado/sqlite' // 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core'
  import {mysqlTable, varchar, ...} from 'rado/mysql'   // 'drizzle-orm/mysql-core'

Drizzle's ORM features are not included. Instead a simpler syntax is included to fetch related rows in an ORM fashion without making you define the relationship ahead of time. It's not needed to learn an alternative syntax to select and filter results.

  // Rado 1.x
  import {include} from 'rado'
  const results = await db
      id: User.id,
      name: User.name, 
      posts: include(
          id: Post.id,
          title: Post.title
        .where(eq(Post.userId, User.id))
    .where(eq(User.id, user1))

  // Drizzle
  const usersRelations = relations(User, ({many}) => ({
    posts: many(Post),
  const results = await db.query.users.findMany({
    columns: {
      id: true,
      name: true,
    with: {
      posts: {
        columns: {
          id: true,
          title: true,

Immutable queries

Rado queries are immutable. This avoids confusing bugs.

  import {count, gt} from 'rado'
  const all = db.select(count()).from(User)
  const greaterThanOne = all.where(gt(User.id, 1))
  const greaterThanTwo = all.where(gt(User.id, 2))
  // In Rado you can start multiple queries from base
  // - or just query either directly
  const [totalUsers] = await all
  const [filteredUsers] = await greaterThanOne
  // In Drizzle all queries would point to the same query
  // invalidating the types well 

Support universal queries

Rado exports rado/universal with which you can build queries that run on any database engine whether it runs synchronous or asynchronous. A handful of useful column types are exported. This also allows Rado's test suite to run on all database drivers.

  import {table} from 'rado'
  import {id, text} from 'rado/universal'

  const User = table('user', {
    id: id(), // Integer auto-incrementing primary key 
    name: text() 

  const db = process.env.SQLITE ? sqliteDb : postgresDb

  const userNames = await db.select(User.name).from(User)

Support auto-migrations

Note: this is currently experimental

Rado provides a single method to migrate the schema. It will compare the schema that you defined to the one in the database you're connected to and update it on the spot. This works in the browser, Deno and Node.js. It can possible do quite destructive things and should only be used with careful consideration. If you need more control over the migrations it's recommended to to use a separate tool such as dbmate.

  // Auto upgrade the User and Post tables
  await db.migrate(User, Post)

Small size and equal or faster performance

Bundling the base Rado package including all Postgres utilities totals 8.5 kB gzipped. If we bundle the same for Drizzle it comes to 20.9 kB.

  // 8.5 kB gzipped
  export * from 'rado'
  export * from 'rado/postgres'

  // 20.9 kB gzipped
  export * from 'drizzle-orm'
  export * from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'

Performance-wise I've added Rado to the Drizzle northwind benchmark. The benchmark is interesting because all it really tests is the time it takes to construct the resulting row objects. After tweaking Rado a little it outperforms Drizzle and the other ORMS in the majority of tests in that benchmark. I decided not to publish these results because they're quite meaningless and Drizzle could be tweaked to achieve the same performance with minor adjustments.

Support SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL

Rado 1.0.0 supports SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL. The currently supported drivers are: better-sqlite3, bun:sqlite, mysql2, pg, pglite and sql.js.

Who is it for?

If you like Drizzle but:

But mind the pitfalls:

Rado on Github